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What Are The Degrees Of DUI In Illinois?

 Posted on February 23,2017 in Traffic violation

DUIs in Illinois come in many different forms, meaning there are a wide range of potential consequences depending on the exact circumstances of your arrest. Some factors that influence your degree of DUI include if there were any aggravating factors, like driving without a license or having children in the car, or if you’ve had previous DUIs on your record. Today, we take a closer look at the degrees of DUI in Illinois, and what you can expect if you are charged with a certain type of DUI.

DUIs In Illinois

Here’s a closer look at the degrees of DUI in Illinois

Class A Misdemeanor – This is the most common type of DUI, and it doesn’t involve any aggravating factors, which means the driver didn’t injure anyone, they had a valid license and they didn’t have an extremely high blood-alcohol content. Potential penalties for a Class A Misdemeanor DUI include: Jail time of up to one year, fines up to $2,500, up to two years probation and potential license revocation.

Class 4 Felony – A Class 4 Felony is the next step up, and it’s considered an aggravated DUI. Actions that would constitute a Class 4 Felony DUI include – Driving without vehicle liability insurance, driving without a valid license, driving in a school zone with a restricted speed in effect and driving a for hire vehicle or a bus. Potential penalties for a Class 4 Felony DUI include: Jail time of up to three years, fines up to $25,000, probation up to 30 months and loss of driver’s license. If you are involved in an accident involving great bodily harm, possible prison time can be up to 12 years.

Class 3 Felony – A Class 3 Felony is the next step up in severity. A Class 3 Felony involves a DUI after previously being convicted of reckless homicide or aggravated DUI with a death. Potential penalties for a Class 3 Felony include up to five years in prison, fines up to $25,000, and up to 30 months of probation.

Class 2 Felony – A Class 2 Felony is no laughing matter, and you’ll be charged with one if you drive drunk and you cause great bodily harm to a child, or you cause a death. Potential penalties for a Class 2 Felony DUI include up to seven years in jail, fines up to $25,000, 48 months of probation and loss of your driver’s license for life. If your accident involves one death, potential prison time increases to 14 years, and if it involves multiple deaths, potential prison time increases to 28 years.

Class 1 Felony – A Class 1 Felony is reserved for individuals who earn their fifth DUI. The penalties for a Class 1 Felony DUI include up to 15 years in prison, fines up to $25,000, and the loss of their driving privileges for life.

Class X Felony – A Class X Felony is what you earn if you get another DUI after a Class 1 Felony. It is reserved for individuals who earn their sixth or more DUI, and is punishable by up to 30 years in prison, fines up to $25,000 and the loss of your driving privileges for life.

If you’ve been charged with any of these DUIs, you’ll want to speak to a lawyer right away. Reach out to Brett Appelman for a free consultation today.

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