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DuPage County Prepares for Thanksgiving DUIs

 Posted on November 22,2023 in DUI

DuPage County DUI LawyerAs Thanksgiving approaches and the rest of the holiday season, DuPage County, Illinois, like many other areas, prepares for an increase in DUI (Driving Under the Influence) incidents. Law enforcement agencies and local authorities are taking proactive measures to ensure road safety during this holiday season. If you are arrested for DUI, you are strongly advised to contact a criminal defense lawyer. While hiring a lawyer will not guarantee a positive end to your legal situation, it will give you a fair chance at pursuing a favorable conclusion to your current legal woes.

Holiday Season Means Increased Police Presence

DuPage County law enforcement agencies are increasing patrols and may implement sobriety checkpoints during the Thanksgiving holiday. The goal here is to deter impaired driving and catch those who are allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The heightened police presence serves as an important reminder to motorists to make responsible choices and avoid driving while impaired.

Strict DUI Laws in Illinois

As is true in virtually all other states in America, if a driver in Illinois has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher, they may be charged with DUI. Additionally, Illinois has a zero-tolerance law for drivers under the age of 21, meaning any detectable amount of alcohol in their system can result in a DUI charge. People must understand the legal limits and consequences associated with DUI offenses.

Does a DUI Charge Mean I Will Be Convicted?

No. Just because you were charged with DUI does not mean a conviction is inevitable. However, it does mean that you must take proactive steps to protect yourself legally. There is no better way to insulate yourself legally from the unfortunate outcome of a conviction than by hiring an aggressive criminal lawyer.

What Will a DUI Conviction Mean for Me?

Getting convicted of DUI will likely have devastating effects on your professional and personal life. Not only may you face potential prison time, expensive fines, and a criminal record, but you may also revoke your driving license. And, of course, having a revoked driver’s license can have a whole slew of consequences on someone’s life.

Contact a DuPage County, IL, DUI Defense Lawyer

Are you facing DUI charges? Contact the skilled Naperville, IL, DUI defense attorney with Appelman Law LLC. Call 630-717-7801 for a free consultation. We will assist you in fighting these charges to the best of our ability.

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